The rear suspension area of the car will get similar treatment to the front. Starting with the shock tower, I'll replace the standard fiberglass piece with one from RC Carbon Works (#CW-086). The largest advantage of the new piece is that it has pre-drilled holes for the Associated B4 wing mounts (#9587). Replacing the stock wing mount tubes is sacrilege to some, but lets face it, it isn't a very good design and I have no desire for my wing to fall out every time the car flips.
Moving to the rear a-arms, I'll replace the original parts with a set from RPM (#70542). They are a more robust design and are moulded in black. The rear rear threaded camber links will also be replaced with the turnbuckle set mentioned in the previous post.
The original RC-10 used a dog bone setup to transmit power to the rear wheels. As a kid I didn't know any better (and I'm pretty sure in 1987 there wasn't anything better) but as time has gone by, the advent of MIP CVD's has made life much easier. No more dog bones popping out and a much smoother power delivery. MIP still produces a kit for the RC-10 (#1007) and I'll add it to mine.
Rear end parts list
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